Join us. We are thousands of Corning workers who have been able to improve our working lives by joining together in the United Steelworkers. We work in New York, New Jersey, Virginia, Kentucky, and North Carolina. We have used our collective voice to improve our pay, retirement, and to make sure there is a fair set of rules for everyone, and much more.
By coming together collectively, we have won:

“In our last contract we were able to bargain a 15% pay increase over the life of the 4-year contract with a 6% increase in the first year. The company’s initial proposal was an indication of how little they valued us as workers—especially since we worked without interruption during the pandemic. Our motto, ‘Essential Then-Essential Now’ empowered us to push back and have our voices heard at the bargaining table. The USW Glass Council, who represents other USW unionized plants, offered their solidarity.
I believe you all are dedicated hard workers who bring value and should be able to have your collective voice heard at the bargaining table. You can do this by coming together and joining our great union—the USW. We encourage and stand with you in solidarity to keep moving forward to win your seat at the table”
I believe you all are dedicated hard workers who bring value and should be able to have your collective voice heard at the bargaining table. You can do this by coming together and joining our great union—the USW. We encourage and stand with you in solidarity to keep moving forward to win your seat at the table”